


We have carefully selected our publishers of assessments and diagnostic instruments so that we may ensure that our clients receive the very best, cutting edge tools for gathering deep and meaningful insights.  

  • The DISC Personal Profile Analysis (PPA) enables you to quickly and accurately assess an individual’s behavioural style at work. The PPA system can be used at all levels of the organization and is appropriate for use in a wide variety of talent management applications.  
  • The General Intelligence Assessment (GIA) provides an accurate prediction of the time it will take someone to get to grips with a new role/regime. By gauging their capabilities, you will be able to keep your people engaged in their work and your organization with appropriate challenges suited to their strengths. The GIA will also enable you to identify potential leaders, those that can think on their feet and the people better suited to methodical problem solving. 
  • Thomas 360 is a multi-rater feedback tool that enables you to take feedback from key colleagues, direct reports and managers to identify performance opportunities. It creates an environment for constructive feedback, enabling your people.
  • The Team Audit Report enables a team to align with the business, understand how the team works, the strengths and limitations and the roles each individual plays to optimize on the contribution of the various team members. 
  • The CULTURE‐STRATEGY FIT® Culture Dynamics Pulse looks closely at the social dynamics within and across teams. A powerful alternative to a team effectiveness survey, it focuses on culture or the way things happen rather than on individual behaviour. This is significantly less threatening encouraging people to feel safe in sharing their experience and engaging in solutions. It zooms in on four specific culture dimensions - Collaboration (dynamics between teams), Engagement (personal dynamics), Performance (success dynamics) and Trust (dynamics within teams).
  • The CULTURE-STRATEGY FIT® Innovation Culture Pulse provides insights as to how your culture is supporting and/or getting in the way of achieving your innovation goals. It is also a powerful tool for determining why some divisions or groups are more innovative than others. This 80-item survey takes a deep dive into the six dimensions of culture most critical to successful innovation including a set of innovation specific practices and behaviors. Clear, comprehensive reports provide the data you need to make informed choices. Consider this survey when you want to:
    •  Assess cultural alignment to your innovation strategy
    • Identify culture strengths to build upon
    • Identify emerging or existing cultural obstacles to innovation
    • Identify cultural practices and systemic drivers to support innovation
    • Provide leaders with actionable insights into how they can shape culture to enhance innovation
Learn from and about the culture of acquisitions and how it is affecting innovation.

The Pillars believes that ‘one size does NOT fit all’ so if the tools in the tool box described above do not suit the needs of our clients, we custom design what is required to get the answers that they are looking for.

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