Who We Are

About The Pillars
Cultivating a human organizational culture.


Premier choice strategic partner for small medium sized companies wanting to build humane organizations that inspire people, develop leaders, increase productivity and sustain growth.


Collaboration: create synergy - bringing together unique set of skills to create something better, sharing, open-source communication and process, inviting and accepting collective ideas and input

Courage: say what needs to be said in a respectful way, speak up, taking risks, deal with with difficult situations, ask for help 

Learning: attitude of openness to feedback, an educational approach with each other and with clients, two way sharing, positive growth 

Innovation: co-creation is innovative, being at the cutting edge of new information, bringing creativity to everything we do

Integrity: doing what’s right when nobody’s watching, behaving with a standard of ethics, confront mistakes, be honest, be fair, respect, show up authentically 

Excellence: exceeding client expectations, quality of service, bringing what is new, bringing forward the best of ourselves.


We work with a diverse and specialized team of coaches, consultants, facilitators and experiential learning designers. All of us share the same values and highly appreciate working collaboratively, sharing our knowledge/resources to contribute to building more humane organizations. If you want to join our community please send us an email and get in touch with us.

''For Business to Thrive, People Must Thrive''

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